Tuesday, September 30, 2008

Today's Journal: Autumn

Autumn is fun because you can make leaf piles. Then halloween comes and candy. You can jump in the leaf piles. Halloween you get candy and sugar.



It is that time of year again. We will begin NECAP testing next week. There are 6 days of testing, so we will do Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday tests from 12:30 - 2:00. Please send in books, crosswords or quiet activity books that kids can work on if they finish a test early. Each testing session can be up to 90 minutes long!


Tonight, please make a refrigerator list of your spelling words and study them for the test tomorrow. Also, finish the math activity with multiplication, as well as your constructed response paragraph if you needed more time.

Thursday, September 25, 2008

Today's Journal: In My Desk

In my desk there is the greatest thing in the world it is a box. In that box there's two pairs of scissors. Next to those scissors there is a pencil sharpener. Next to the pencil sharpeners are the pencils. Next to the pencils are pens and that is the end.


Wednesday, September 24, 2008

Join us for Math and Muffins!

This Friday is the last Friday of the month. As I wrote earlier, I would like to invite families in for the first hour of school. At this time, students will share what (and how) they are learning math this year!

We are using a new math program this year called, Bridges to Mathematics. It has a few very interesting components. So far, I have been very happy with the results!

So, if you are able, join us on Friday morning from 7:45 - 845 for math and muffins. We will share our math portfolios, try some games, and try to answer any questions you have about math instruction this year! If it is successful, we can make it a monthly event!


A Cry for Help

Hello, there. We are about to begin a unit of study on Early Vermont and Heritage. One activity in the curriculum is to build an Algonquin Indian style wigwam. To do this we need natural materials such as wood saplings and birchbark.

I think it would be really educational (yes, but also really fun) to build one large enough to sit in. I am not a builder and a project like this run by me would be doomed to fail. Are there any parents or grandparents out there who are handy enough to gather materials and help us construct one on the playground? It would not have to be a full size one, a playhouse version would be fine.

We are also going to start some seedlings inside to replicate gardening for the Algonquins. Do you have any left over seeds or potting soil that you would be willing to donate? If so, contact me either through email at the school, call, or send in a note with your student.

Tuesday, September 23, 2008

New Math Vocabulary!

Today in math we talked about the words dimension and factor. Ask your student to explain what we did in math today and what those words mean!


Tonight's homework is reading for 20 minutes and writing in your reading journal.

Monday, September 22, 2008

Today, after reading the Phantom Tollbooth, we decided to try and interview the characters in chapter 12 and 13. Here are some questions and inferred responses the children wrote.

Q. Soundkeeper, why do you keep all the sounds?

A. I keep the sounds safe.

Q. Dynne, why do you like bad noises better?

A. Because all the good noises were used a long time ago, so more people like bad noises instead of good noises.

Q. Dynne, why do you work with Dr. Kakafonous Dischord?

A. Because I love the sounds that he likes. Plus, good sounds are bad and bad sounds are good sound.

Q. Soundkeeper, why do you not like sound?

A. Because I do not want there to be a lot of commotion, so I will not let them out.

There were many more great questions and responses. Check with your child to hear what they wrote!

Thursday, September 18, 2008


Tonight, just make your refrigerator list. Make sure you spell everything correctly and get a parent's choice word!

Today' Journal: A Mud Puddle

One day in a mud puddle an ant splashed happily. He went swimming. All of a sudden a boy came and spashed so hard all of the water came out! The ant slowly walked home. When he got home his coleny was under water! the end


Wednesday, September 17, 2008


Tonight, please complete the math worksheet, read for 20 minutes and write in your reading journal.

Writing Prompt: What could a nervous frog do in a restaurant?

In writing we are working on using adjectives to describe things. We have a randon prompt generator and using that we got the writing prompt, "What could a nervous frog do in a restaurant?"

One student wrote the following story.

A nervous frog went into a restaurant. Nobody saw him come in. He jumped on a table. A little boy saw him. The boy grabbed his knife. The frog grabbed a fork. After about tw o minutes of fighting, the frog's fork was knocked away. The boy said, Ha! I have you now!" Then the frog saw some mac and cheese. The frog got a big spoon. He scooped up some mac and cheese. He threw the mac and cheese on the boy. Then he attacked the dad. the dad tried to dump his plate on the frog, but the frog was to quick. The frog jumped on the dad's head. then he made a big jump to another table. There was an old woman at that table. When she saw the frog she screamed so loud her dentures her denturs fell out. The frog looked around for food. He found some salad. He then quickly gulped it up. Suddenly, he smelled pie. It was coming from the kitchen. He quickly hopped to the kitchen door. He waited patiently until it opened. When it did, the waiter carried out steak. He still had time. He went into the kitchen. When he found the pie, he slipped onto the plater. Just as a waiter pu on a lid. When the pie got to the family, there was none left. Everyone chased him out. When he was out, he vowed never to go into a restaurant again.

The End


Tuesday, September 16, 2008


Write creatively about the writing prompt. Use as many adjectives and descriptive words as you can!

Also, don't forget to study your spelling words!

Today's Journal: Recess

I like running at recess.I like playing with my friends. SometimesI go on the zipline with my friends .We go on the swings. We do lots of things at recess.


Monday, September 15, 2008


Today we learned about adjectives and adverbs. Please finish the adjectives worksheet. We are also working on writing story problems that can be solved using multiplication. Please finish the math worksheet.

I am also sending home a permission slip for The Phantom Tollbooth performance at the Flynn theater. Please have it signed and returned as soon as possible.


Today's Journal: Your favorite subject

My best subject is art . I like art because I like crafts and stuff . Crafts are cool because art is cool too . Art is awesome . Paint, paint all you can .

Friday, September 12, 2008

Today's Journal: New Friends

I first met Caleb when I was 2. I think Caleb is a really good friend. I met Caleb at daycare. We alway use to play Scooby Doo with Hannah and Maygan. The person who babysat us was Tammy Lokerbey.


Thursday, September 11, 2008

Today's Journal: Bananas

I had a banana for breakfast. The banana was good. Bananas have tiny seeds in them. Bananas are yello. Some people do not like bananas. Bananas are very good for you. At breakfast my friends came over so we had bananas with breakfast.


Breaking News!

This just in...The Phantom Tollbooth is coming to the Flynn Theater on November 5th. I am reserving seats. We will need 5-7 driver/chaperones to take us to the theater. The tickets cost $8.50, and if we had to take a bus that would make the cost of the trip way too high...

We are going to the 12:00 show. If you are able to drive some kids to the show, please let me know. I will be sending a permission slip home very soon!


Today, in the Phantom Tollbooth we met Alec Bings who teaches us and Milo about Point of View. I told a short story from my point of view and the same story from Emma's point of view.

Me: Every night I have to tell Emma the same thing...go take a bath. Every night she gets mad at me and stomps up the stairs and gets all huffy! Why should I have to tell her the same thing every night! She needs to take a bath so she won't be a stinky kid! It's for her own good!

Emma: My mom drives me crazy. I used to only take a bath every other night, but now I have to take one every night! I have a lot of things to do like play with my breyers. I never have time to watch T.V. cause I always have to take a bath!

Tonight, I would like kids to write a similar short story from two different points of view.

In addition, please make your refrigerator list of your spelling words...:)

Wednesday, September 10, 2008


Today's homework is the reading journal. You should have a great book to read since you went to the library today!

Today's Journal: New Shoes

I got new shoes. They have hearts on them. I got three pairs of them. I like all of them. I like to shop for new shoes and new clothes. I really like to go shopping.


Tuesday, September 9, 2008

Today's Journal: Weekends

On the weekend... I play with legos. I watch tv at night. I ride my bike. I play soccer. I play in my fort.


The Hamburger Paragraph

In order to help kids understand the format of a paragraph I teach the "Hamburger Paragraph". The idea is this.....

□ Your top bun is for your topic sentence or your strong opening sentence.
□ The sentences that come next are your supporting details. They are the heart of the hamburger, just like meat, tomatoes, lettuce, etc.
□ Holding it all together is the bottom bun of the hamburger. It should be an interesting conclusion sentence.
We will have these to practice for homework tonight, also, don't forget to practice spellling words!

Monday, September 8, 2008


Tonight, for homework, please complete the two math papers. Also, remember you voted to have a spelling test on Wednesday, so please study your spelling words.

Try to get some outside time in also!
Mrs. P.

A Shout Out to Conner D.

Sullivan: Hope you have fun, by the try to aim for Sophie's bed!

Maggie: Hi! Bye!

Herbert: Bring your treboucher to school and chuck water balloons at it!

Tatum: How are you, I hope you are having fun.

Today's Journal: What is your favorite airplane?

I would name it Josy flight 3,000.
It would start out at a spa. It would go to a spa too.
Josy would fly the plane.You could pay $40.00 to ride Josy.There would be
an indoor ring. Only girls except for ODEY.


Friday, September 5, 2008

Thinking in Math

We continued to work on pattern block areas today. Try a video to hear about our thinking!

Today's Journal: List 10 reasons to stay up late.

I wold stay up late to...
1. ride my four-wheeler
2. to play video games
3. to watch t.v.
4. to light a bonfire
5. to set off fire crackers if I had them
6. to ride my dad's side by side
7. to eat candy
8. to chase my dog
9. to go on the computer
10. to swallow swords

By Rudd

Thursday, September 4, 2008

Today's Math Lesson

We are working on finding the area of different shapes using different pattern block units. Not only does this teach us about area and geometry, but we are also connecting the area to multiplication.

Looks like fun, doesn't it?

Today's Journal: What is your favorite video game?

My favorite video game is Star wars.In the game you play levels.Once you beat a level you unlock a new level.My favorite character is Yoda.I like getting money because then I can buy stuff for the levels.My favorite level is the toxic waste.My favorite light sabrer is a blue one.



Tonight, please spend 20 minutes reading. Write the name of the book, pages read, and at least 5 sentences about the book.

That's it!

Note to parents:
I have adopted the policy of keeping kids in for recess if they have not completed homework. It is not my favorite thing to do as I really feel that kids need a chance to get outdoors. If you have anymore creative suggestions, please drop me a note or email!


Wednesday, September 3, 2008

Today's Journal: Make up your own folktale

There once was a fairy that granted wishes but there was no one to grant a wish to. One day the fairy saw someone to grant 3 wishes to. The little girl was living in the smallest house ever. They lived on a island. So the fairy granted 3 wishes for the little girl. The little girl lived in a mansion and had tons of land and they lived happily ever after.

By: Hannah

Homework 9-3-08

How is homework going? If you have trouble completing an assignment, please have your parents drop me a note to explain why it could not get done.

Tonight, please complete the math activity. Also, you need to ask your parent's for a spelling word for this week. They get to choose one, you choose 8 and I choose one. You should have all 10 words. Please check and make sure they are all written neatly and spelled correctly. Make your refrigerator list and post it up on the fridge or wall if possible. Practice them whenever you get a chance!

In addition, get out there and try to get some fresh air! I don't know whether we will have nice weather like this for long!

Tonight's secret word: Macabre

Tuesday, September 2, 2008

Today's Journal: What is your favorite event in history?

Helen Keler

Helen keler was a little girl, who was born hearing and seeing,but got very ill. She was left withboth ears deaf and she was also left blind. She learned sign language and Bralle. Bralle is a way you read with your fingers on raised dots. That means lettersof the alphabet. Each dot in different places, and some letters have more dots to show it.Now Helen Keler is nown as a susectful person with the help of Ann. Sullivan. She was her teacher. Ann almost came to the point in going blind.

By: Tatum


Tonight please investigate the word Humbug. You may look it up on your own, ask someone else, or read the provided article. Then write what it means and answer the question.

Also, please fill in the pattern block relationships chart. Pass in both papers on Wednesday.

Have fun!

Mrs. Pearson